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Whether the Numeral Terms Denote Anything Real in God?

Writer's picture: Christian B. WagnerChristian B. Wagner

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cf., Sent.I.D24.Q1.A3, QDePot.Q9.A7, QX.Q1.A1

The sense of this question is quite obscure for many. Here, by "numeral terms," we seek to designate quantity. Quantity is one of the categories of Aristotle, specifically, we designate here "discrete quantity," especially number, which is the principle of numeration. Now, obviously, upon this consideration, it becomes clear why it is problematic to say that God is "one" in a numerical sense. For, as stated above, there are no accidents in God, now, discrete quantity is an accident, therefore, etc.

Thus, from what aspect can we call God "*one* God?"

St. Thomas begins, after his introduction to the terminology explained above, to distinguish between two positions. First, there are those who teach that "numeral terms do not denote anything real in God, but remove something from Him" since they only considered discrete quantity. 

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