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Writer's pictureChristian B. Wagner

Whether Grace is Fittingly Divided into Sanctifying Grace and Gratuitous Grace?

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Collect: O God who gives not only the grace to justify, but also the grace wherein we become instruments of justification, pour forth upon our lips the grace of speech that we may become co-workers in spreading and defending the faith. Amen.


In the Sed Contra, establishes the divisions of the genus “grace.” When it comes to sanctifying grace, there is the specific difference that “it makes man pleasing to God.” (specific difference is a note distinguishing a certain species from the rest of a genus, e.g, man’s specific difference is “rationality”) Further, there is another note common to the genus (for man, animality), i.e., that it is “gratuitously given.”

He dogmatically proves each note from two texts of sacred scripture. The latter text, Rom. 2:6, is obvious, the former, Eph. 1:6, is less obvious. In order to understand the argument, we must return to his commentary on Ephesians, where he writes,

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